Intentional vs Reactive

Intentional vs Reactive

When asked what my word for the year would be for 2018, I did some deliberating and then decided on intentional. I want to make intentional decisions that help propel me to where I need to be. I want to think intentional thoughts rather than just letting my mind race around in a crazy manner. And I would prefer to have intentional responses over haphazard reactions.

Intention: done with purpose; deliberate

Let me share a few ideas of how we can all practice being a bit more intentional in our lives. I truly believe that God creates His people for a purpose. It is our duty to pursue this purpose to the best of our abilities! He will never give us a purpose that He doesn’t intend to help us accomplish if we will keep our focus on Him and His perfect will and if we will give Him our best! I truly believe that if we will give Him our hearts, He will show us the plans He has for us! Not all the plans, of course. But glimpses and ideas and inspiration that will lead us where He needs us.

That’s why I want to practice being more intentional, so that I can draw closer to Him and work to fulfill the plans He has for me! I want to be sure I am being deliberate and intentional with my everyday choices so that I can be all that I can be for Him!

Intentional Responses vs Haphazard Reactions

I can be horribly reactive. For instance if you were to tell me that we were out of coffee, I might cry. (Just kidding! … but let’s not ever joke about coffee again!)

Seriously, I can be quite reactive. Especially when it comes to areas that I need to develop or larger projects that I’m in the middle of that seem to grow as I work on them. But the truth of the matter is, if I step back from focusing so tightly on what I have planned, and think intentionally on how I would like to respond to the situation, then I know that I will be able to go much farther than if I am always reacting in a distressed manner.

Rather humorously, the things that I struggle with can be quite small and insignificant. And yet I struggle with quite the reaction.

The other day, or perhaps a month ago at this point, I was working out in my Studio Office. As I finished for the day I packed my laptop up and straightened the desk where I had been working. It was warm in my office, quite cold and blustery outside, and it had been a long, icy week. I was ready to get in and get some supper and wind down for the evening and I was coming in a bit later than I aim for typically. As I was coming up the steps at the back door, I realized that I had forgotten my mouse.. My mouse is important for my productivity – my laptop touch-pad isn’t quite as easy to use as some have been in the past – and I had a bit of work to complete before the end of the evening.

Now I repeat, the things that I can struggle with can be quite small and petty. I was annoyed that I had missed bringing in my mouse – something so simple and basic and essential to my productivity. I pondered how I could get around needing it. Considered how much time it would actually add to my work by taking away my efficiency. I really didn’t want to be inconvenienced to go back out in the cold. That would take even more precious time, just to go get a mouse that had thoughtlessly been left behind.

Choosing an Intentional Response

But then, my focus changed. I had zero reason to be annoyed about the missing mouse. I really just needed to be more intentional with my actions (putting it in my bag) and with my reactions (how I responded to realizing I had missed it). And when I considered the circumstances, I really had been prompted about the missing mouse at the best possible time. I was still bundled up, with key in hand and able to dash right back outside. Isn’t it incredible how realizations can either be reactionary or intentional?!

Intentional Thoughts vs Reactive Thoughts

Surely I’m not the only one that deals with reactive thoughts …

“ooh, I need to remember to mention that the printer isn’t working …. speaking of the printer, the one out in the Studio is working … did I remember to turn the heat on in the Studio? It’s cold outside … and rainy – I hope it doesn’t rain when we get groceries … I actually need to work on the grocery list … and I also need to ask about the insurance proofs we need … and payroll needs to be run tonight … ” and I could go on and on. If I am not careful, my thoughts can go on overdrive. Is this a super efficient way to get through all my thoughts? No, on the contrary! It’s unfocused, reactionary and mentally exhausting. When I catch myself doing it I have to slow down and intentionally think out each thought. Maybe I make a note about it, send a text or email, or say a prayer.

Intentionally thinking through your thoughts can be instrumental in bringing calm, structured, purposeful thoughts. And this calm will help you move forward gracefully!

Intentional Decisions vs Reactive Decisions

I want to be alert to opportunities that I have so that I can be intentional in the choices I make.

For instance, when I find myself with a few extra minutes waiting for someone to get back to me while in the middle of work, I want to be intentional with my time. I don’t want to absent-mindedly open Pinterest or Instagram and start scrolling. On the other hand, I have no desire to be working every moment of the day, but rather to make intentional decisions based on where I am.

If it’s the end of the day and I’m on my phone texting when my nephew wants to play cards, then I want to be available to play cards with him. If it’s during the workday and I’m in my office, then I want to intentionally occupy myself with things that will help me move toward my work goals!

At the end of the day (or year or whenever I look back), I will be grateful for having made intentional and appropriate decisions. I’m sure of it! Because each intentional decision we make sets us up to make another and another and another! Intentional decisions set us up for success! And I certainly want to be a success in life for my family and for God!

What does being intentional mean to you? I’m sure I didn’t cover all the areas that living more intentionally could involve. Please feel free to share below! I look forward to hearing from you!

Until Next Time!


PS. Curious what the idea behind choosing a word of the year is? I wrote a blog about here: Choosing Your Word of the Year –

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