The Story of Abraham and Isaac

The Story of Abraham and Isaac

The Story of Abraham and Isaac

You are probably familiar with the story of when Abraham was supposed to go sacrifice his son Isaac, but have you ever heard the detailed version that is told in the book of Jasher? It is an amazing account!

Abraham is commanded to take his 37-year-old son Isaac, the son that he and Sarah were promised in their old age, and sacrifice him to God. Abraham and Isaac set out, accompanied by Ishmael (Abraham’s firstborn) and Eliezer (the servant who was intended to inherit everything from Abraham before he had children).

Soon they come upon a contrite, old man. He greets Abraham and Isaac and then begins to tell them how it is not necessary for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as instructed by God. He reasons that God would not have blessed him with a son only to take him away. Abraham recognizes this old man as Satan and rebukes him. When reprimanded, Satan flees.

On they go, when they meet a clean-cut, young man. He greets them and then begins to fill Isaac’s ear with reasons that he doesn’t need to submit to Abraham and be sacrificed. He tells Isaac that Abraham is crazy to plan to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham hears the young man talking and recognizes him as Satan. He rebukes Satan and again Satan flees.

Next, the group comes to a brook. They begin to wade across and as they do, the waters get deeper and deeper. Soon the waters are up to their necks and the men are frightened for their lives. As they struggle to keep their heads out of water, Abraham looks around and suddenly realizes that there is not a brook in the area they are in. He realizes Satan has again tried to hamper them from doing what God called them to do, so he rebukes Satan in the Lord’s name, and suddenly the water is gone!

Now Consider

Isn’t it incredible how many different forms that Satan took? First, he was a contrite, old man. Second, a clean-cut, young man. After that, a brook of water. It would seem that he could take any form he chooses.

Fast forward through the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac, to when Abraham is just about to strike Isaac, but then Abraham looks up and sees the ram stuck in the thicket. The book of Jasher says that this animal was made from the foundations of the world with the sole purpose of taking Isaac’s place. But while on its way to come before Abraham and Isaac, Satan took hold of the ram and entangled its horns in a thicket. As Abraham is standing there, about to kill his son, he realizes that the thicket was a work of Satan, so he goes and loosens the animal and sacrifices it, instead of Isaac.

All these accounts of Abraham recognizing Satan are just remarkable. How did he know that the thicket was arranged by Satan? I’m afraid I might have thought, “oh, I would sacrifice that ram, but it is stuck, so I must be supposed to sacrifice Isaac.” How incredibly defeated of me!

A New Perspective

But now, I have a new mentality, a fresh perspective! I am praying for the same wisdom that Abraham had to recognize the enemy and rebuke him! I can’t help but wonder if all the negatives in our lives might perhaps be the enemy at work. So instead of ‘accepting’ negative things, I’m going to refute them! I’m going to remind myself of God’s promises of blessings and abundance!

I’ve heard it said, that when you say positive affirmations, it “attracts” good things to you. Honestly, that wording always put me off. It just didn’t sound quite right. But now, I think I have a different paradigm of it. When you refuse the bad (negative thoughts or ideas) and cling to the good (God’s promises), your way will be blessed and you will be filled with joy! Is that attracting good things – or is it simply rejecting negative things!

I couldn’t help but think of it like this, a bully likes to afflict the people who will let him be a bully. He doesn’t try to bully people who stand up for themselves – well, maybe once, but then bullies are cowards so they typically run away to an easier target.

Isn’t the enemy like a bully? He will remind us of all our faults, failures and all the possible things that might go wrong. And as long as we listen and become discouraged, he’s like the bully who just keeps bullying. But now, picture the enemy introducing these negative ideas, and instead of being discouraged, we let it roll off and say, “Umm, no, that’s not what God says about that!”.

“So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7

When Satan is rebuked he has to flee. It’s as simple and as complicated as that. Learn to catch yourself when your thoughts discourage or depress you. Resist those thoughts and pursue God and His remarkable love!

Apply it to Your Life

Now that we have this new paradigm, let’s incorporate it in our lives so that we can be our best for God! Happy, enthusiastic, joy-filled people are far better representatives of God than defeated, sad people.

Begin to recognize your triggers – the things that depress you, that you anticipate will fail. Instead, turn them around and find an applicable Bible verse to associate with them! Let me help you with a few common struggles:

  • There isn’t enough time for what I have to do. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” 
  • I don’t like my job/school/chores. Colossians 3:23 says, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”
  • I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Proverbs 3:6 says, “Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.”

Identify your struggles and put them into words. Then look and see what Scripture says about it! Once you’ve found your Bible verses, you are armed for next time that struggle wants to sneak up on you. If only you had more time, or not so much to do, your struggle might begin. “Ooh, but God says there is a time for everything under heaven – you hear that Every Thing – so I know that I have the time, I just have to be resourceful with how I use it!” you can respond victoriously!

May this story and these ideas encourage and bless you! Please share your thoughts, ideas and victories below! I’d love to hear them!

Until Next Time!


PS. Don’t miss the previous post about Surrendering Our Fears!

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