Life and Fashion Life and fashion have a surprisingly close connection. I hadn’t really considered it until I was working on a small booklet for my clothing company. You see, I am a personal stylist and I love helping women discover their style. I only offer consulting locally, so I began considering how I could […]
Month: July 2017
What Do You Remember?

What Do You Remember? What do you remember? When you look back on life, growing up, finishing school, getting married, having a family – what do you remember? What stands out to you? Was life full of highs or lows or some of each? When I look back I can remember a number of things. […]
Remembering the Source of Your Strength

Remembering the Source of Your Strength What is the source of your strength? Do you feel capable of conquering the world some days while other days you wonder how to accomplish bare minimum? The latter is rather where I’ve been stuck the last few weeks. So much to do and how to do it all? […]
Independence Day – Remembering Our Heritage

Independence Day – Remembering Our Heritage Independence Day is such a special and important day in America’s history. 241 years ago, God-fearing men signed a document declaring men capable of self-government. What a responsible and remarkable milestone! Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence. It is a monumental document and he did […]