The Estate and Gardens at Biltmore

The Winter Gardens - What beautiful windows in the ceiling!

The Estate and Gardens at Biltmore

I loved having the opportunity to tour Biltmore! It was just incredible – the attention to detail, the care taken in keeping it clean, the workmanship – remarkable! I really admire the pride and the heritage that the grandsons and great-grandchildren have taken in preserving, and even improving on, George Vanderbilt’s dream. It is inspiring and exciting!

When we toured the Estate back in September, we were quite delighted to be told that photography was allowed inside, just no flash was to be used. I just recently went through the photographs and wanted to share a few (sorry the interior photos aren’t better quality!)! Enjoy!

(*Email subscribers: you will want to click through this email to see the photos in the post!*)

The Winter Gardens - What beautiful windows in the ceiling!
The Winter Garden – Such incredible workmanship in that ceiling!


The Salon - Note the Ceiling!
The Salon – Note the Ceiling!


This was a painting upstairs, right before entering the Master Suite. Isn't it lovely?!
This was a painting upstairs, right before entering the Master Suite. Isn’t it lovely?!


Mrs. Vanderbilt's Bedroom - the walls are covered in silk!
Mrs. Vanderbilt’s Bedroom – the walls are covered in silk!


The Banquet Hall - Be sure to notice the size of the *three* fireplaces! And aren't those chandeliers just fabulous?!
The Banquet Hall – Be sure to notice the size of the *three* fireplaces! And aren’t those chandeliers just fabulous?!


An indoor swimming pool - in the basement!
An indoor swimming pool – in the basement!


The Grand Staircase - Isn't it beautiful?!
The Grand Staircase – Isn’t it beautiful?!


This is the exterior of the Grand Staircase - isn't it fascinating how the windows mimic the flight of the steps?!
This is the exterior of the Grand Staircase – isn’t it fascinating how the windows mimic the flight of the Grand Staircase?!


What a grand and beautiful place!
What a grand and beautiful place!


This is just above the main entrance - the designers and workers must have taken great pride in the work! How inspiring!
This is just above the main entrance – the designers and workers must have taken great pride in the work! How inspiring!


A knight on the exterior work of the house - can you even believe the detailing?!
A knight on the exterior work of the house – can you even believe the detailing?!


The Conservatory - that's my Dad on the bench waving at me from inside the middle door!
The Conservatory – that’s my Dad on the bench waving at me inside the middle door!


Loved these flowers - they looked like double daisies (or something!)!
Loved these flowers – they looked like double daisies (or something!)!


The orchids were beautiful!
The orchids were beautiful!


This was on the way back from touring part of the Gardens - Biltmore Estate is enormous!
This was on the way back from touring part of the Gardens – Biltmore Estate is enormous!


The Stables - isn't the detailing just amazing?!
The Stables – isn’t the detailing just amazing?!


Biltmore Estate - I can't wait to come back again!
Biltmore Estate – I can’t wait to go back again!


This might have been the Bass Pond (I'm not certain) - isn't it a beautiful place?!
This might have been the Bass Pond (I’m not certain) – isn’t it a beautiful place?!

Ooh, I did enjoy seeing these photos again – I can’t wait to go back! Have you been to Biltmore? What was your favorite part? Please share below!

Until Next Time!



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