Give the Gift of Grace

Give the Gift of Grace

Give the Gift of Grace

It would seem that I’m learning a lot about grace lately and it is lovely! Grace is defined as “benevolence, favor” and there seem to be a number of areas where we can catch a glimpse of it in our lives.

I always thought of grace as something that God gives when you fail to be perfect – He blesses you with grace to fill your lack. But it seems to be so much more! Yes, God gives us grace to make up for our insufficiencies, but did you know that we could also give this gift to others?!

It is vital that a lady handles herself and others with grace!

When someone is struggling, or hurting, or just in some way not up to par, we can give them grace. That’s when we understand what they’re going through and don’t take it personally that they’re not being their kindest or happiest. God gives us so much grace, it really is our duty to share it with others. Grace isn’t about not holding someone to a higher standard, but about understanding that we are all human and fall short. I know I need it on a daily basis!

We should also have grace with our duties and schedules. I love a tight schedule, but in reality, there are so many differentials that I can’t anticipate, and if I don’t remember to have grace, then I can get quite frustrated. Life happens, and it’s okay – just don’t use that as an excuse to not accomplish things! Have a plan and work hard to get things done, but always remember to have grace and be flexible!

We are also blessed with grace when we suffer. No matter the cause of our suffering – death, sad news, or the like – I’ve seen grace heaped on. Yes, there is pain, but the faith and the knowledge that everything will be all right and that God is still in control is there!

So how can we be more graceful and have more grace in our lives? As ladies, we should seek to shower it over those we know! And be humbly grateful for it when others bless us with it! We all need it – and we all need to give it!

What are some ways that grace has impacted your life? Please share below!

Until Next Time,


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