How You Look Matters

How You Look Matters

“How you look matters. Not in a petty, superficial way, but because how you look reflects how you feel, and how you feel affects how you perform in all areas of your life.”

I’ve seen this quote go by several times now and I do appreciate it! It is so important that we as ladies realize that how we look matters. We should take the time and make the effort to be lovely. Sometimes the simplest things make the biggest impact! I wanted to share with you a few ideas that I have had!

  • Curl your hair (or even just fix it!) – perhaps it seems simple, or perhaps you wonder why you would bother if you’re just going to be home, but go ahead. Do it for you own personal enjoyment! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman with pretty hair – be it curled or straightened – and thought, “Why would she bother with that?” My thoughts typically are, “How pretty! How polished! I really should take the time to make that effort!”
  • Use lotion (or body oil, my personal favorite!) – especially during this time of year it is important for a lady’s skin and hands to be moisturized – no dry skin, please! It’s never attractive! Take the time and make it a habit! Your skin will thank you!
  • Polish your nails (or put on nail wraps/artificial nails) – take just a moment of time to make your nails lovely! You use your hands all day, every day and you should find joy in the glimpses you might catch of them! It really doesn’t take too much time and can give you a lovely boost of confidence!
  • Put on some lipstick (or gloss, balm, etc.) – take that extra moment to make your mouth lovely! You use your mouth to communicate with people all day, every day, so make it attractive! “But I don’t like my lips,” you might say. Well, I’m sorry we don’t all have perfect lips, but they are yours, so find a way to make them lovely! And honestly, doing nothing for them isn’t going to do them any favors either! (And I mean that most kindly, but honestly!)
  • Accessorize – be it a scarf, a headband, a bracelet, a necklace – whatever it might be, use it as a lovely accessory to your every day wardrobe! I try to wear at least one complimentary accessory every day! It’s so much fun and it gives us a new interest in what we have and how to use it!

Now that I’ve shared some of my new ideas, would you share yours?! Perhaps you don’t have any right off, so let me give you a little nudge with a question: “When you see an attractive lady, what is it you notice? Is it her eye makeup? Or her glasses? Her ring?” There, hopefully I’ve helped you think of something now! Quite often the little things that we notice are things that we ourselves could also do with very little effort! And it gives us such a boost, not just in how we look, but like the quote above said, with how we perform in our lives! Isn’t that lovely and inspiring?!

But of course I would be remiss if I didn’t say, far more vital than our outward appearance is how we act. We must be sweet, kind, loving, encouraging and helpful. We can have the most perfect eyeliner in the world and then be rude to someone, and I doubt the lasting impression you would have left would be the level of skill you applied your eyeliner. True beauty and elegance comes from within, but it is our privilege to embellish our outward appearance!

Until Next Time!


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