Words are Enormous

Words are Enormous

Words are Enormous. They’re dynamic. You can say so much with just a few simple words. And yet, you can also use many words to convey very little information. I find words exceptionally fascinating. I enjoy listening and hearing how others use words. I try to be very purposeful and specific with my words. They are powerful. And Enormous.

Have you ever stopped and given much thought to the use of words? Without them, we would be so very limited in sharing thoughts and information. In fact, even forming thoughts would be difficult without words. I guess we would be limited to pictures.

I don’t feel that words come very easily to me. Some people seem to have so much to say and are able to write pages and pages to convey all that they have to share. Funny, I don’t really struggle with speaking, but when I sit down to write, words seem evasive. This made writing assignments in middle and high school lengthy projects. Me sitting at my desk, trying to put words together in a comprehensible and enjoyable manner. Not where I excelled. Then one day my father inspired me. He said that I should write like I talk. If I couldn’t put words on paper, then I should pretend I was narrating to someone and then write my own narration. That has helped me splendidly. Sometimes still, when I’m writing and I’m stuck, I pause and consider how I would tell someone in person. Then I know how to write it out and it helps tremendously.

After I graduated, I realized that writing was still one of my larger struggles. I would put off sending emails to customers as long as possible. Thank you notes were written, but not in the descriptive manner in which I thought they should be. Putting words on a paper just didn’t come easily. It took me a little while to realize my struggle, but then one day I decided that I was done having a writing crutch. I began looking for excuses to write. I wrote in a journal. I wrote letters to Soldiers. I wrote family members and friends. At one point I was committed to writing at least one lengthy letter to a deployed Soldier every week (and he was never able to write back, which gave me a whole new lesson in content creativity!). I wrote of enjoyable things, of every day life. Nothing dramatic or personal – that’s not how I am.

Words are Enormous

The letters and notes I received back from the people I wrote were so enjoyable! I anticipated reading them and seeing just how they had chosen their words! Some people wrote longer, chatty letters. Others used very few words, but they used them magnificently! Words are so delightful! It amazes me how a few simple words combined on a piece of paper can come together and mean so much.

My point in sharing all this is to encourage you to strengthen your weaknesses, don’t just accept them. Don’t let them inhibit you. And especially don’t let them define you. Find a way to strengthen those weaknesses while being a blessing to others. (And maybe I’ve even given you a new appreciation for words too!)

What are some struggles and weaknesses you have overcome? How have you been able to switch them from drudgery to blessings? Did this post inspire you in an area you have been struggling? I’d love it if you’d share!

Until Next Time!


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